Monday, February 15, 2010

Angel Sayings

 Angels may not always come when you call them, but they always come when you need them

 Angels encourage your best qualities and hidden talents
 Seek an angel with an open heart and you will find one

  Angels say "Halo" to everyone !

 Angels hide nothing and see everything

 Sometimes your best friend is actually a guardian angel in disguise  

*A kind soul is inspired by angels.

*After all, we are angels in training. All we have to do is spread our wings and fly.

*An angel belongs in the garden.

*An angel can illuminate the darkest path.

*An angel, like the cricket, speaks in darkness.

*An angel's gift is a gift of hope.

*Angels are a natural part of the scenery, so don't be surprised if you don't recognize them right away.

*Angels are blind to problems so their eyes stay open to solutions.

*Angels are God's way of taking care of us.

*Angels are often silent, but they are listening to every thought that stirs our souls.

*Angels are the lights of the night. Though they do not brighten the darkness...they guide us through it.

*Angels are User Friendly.

*Angels are vigilant and wait for openings to enter our consciousness.

*Angels at work - prepare for random miracles.

*Angels caution us to retain our inner peace in a world that may sometimes appear to have gone crazy.

*Angels - Don't leave home without 'em.

*Angels encourage us to create a happy home to nurture our souls.

*Angels encourage your best qualities and hidden talents.

*Angels enhance our lives in the gentlest yet most powerful way.

*Angels give you those gentle pats on the back you need to keep going.

*Angels have a hidden agenda...LOVE!

*Angels have countless suggestions, but are discreet in helping us discover answers through our own insights.

*Angels help you see your life in a better light.

*Angels keep going long after everyone else has given up.

*Angels knew from the very start that the gifts of love are gifts with a heart.

*Angels know that if you smile it is infectious.

*Angels never want anything from you except your happiness.

*Angels provide balance like the sun and the moon.

*Angels rarely wait around for thanks.

*Angels remind us that we are loved as well as needed by this world.

*Angels urge us to take risks and will always catch us if we stumble.

*Anyone who helps you grow is an angel to you.

*Be an Angel - Practice Random Acts of Kindness.

*Be kind to strangers, for angels they may be.

*Believe in Angels watching over you.

*But all God's angels come to us disguised...

*Don't drive faster than your Guardian Angel can fly.

*Earthly angels are...Mothers in disguise.

*Every time a bell rings...another angel gets her wings.

*Friends are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly.

*Good friends are angels on earth.

*Happy is the heart that believes in angels.

*If we were all a little more like angels, earth would be a little more like Heaven.

*If you share a smile, you have also shared an angel's love.

*If you've ever felt love then you most certainly have been touched by an angel.

*It's easy to be an angel when no one ruffles your feathers.

*Like snowflakes, no two angels are alike.

*Miracles happen to those who believe in angels.

*No matter how much trouble you have believing in angels, they still believe in you.

*Peace is possible - Allow the angels to inspire you.

*Plant an angel in your heart...and love will grow!

*Sometimes angels come to earth without wings...they are called friends.

*Sometimes you just know it's an angel.

*The angel within us is our gift.

*The rustle of the wind reminds us an angel is near.

*To are special...because you are you.

*When I think of angels...I think of you!

*Angels knew from the start that the gifts of love are gifts with a heart!

*Music is the voice of angels.

*My guardian angel has a tough job.

*The song of a robin is an angel’s voice in the garden.

*Angels are speaking to all of us...some of us are just listening better.

*Angels sprinkle love everywhere.

*An angel in the house they say…will guard your family night and day.

*Wherever you go, whatever you do, may the angels above watch over you.

*Angels comes in many forms but friends are the dearest.

*Angels can’t be everywhere…that’s why God created mothers!

*An angel is as an angel does.

*An angel is someone you feel like you’ve known forever.

*An angel’s work is never done.

*Angels are the guardians of hope and wonder; the keepers of magic and dreams.

*Angels enhance our lives in the gentlest yet most powerful way.

*Plant an angel in your heart…and love will grow.

*Seek an angel with an open heart and you will find one.

*The way you know an angel is by your feeling.

*Angels may not always come when you call them, but they always come when you need them.

*An angel is someone who helps you believe in miracles again.

*Sometimes you know angels only by the miracles they have blossoming in their paths after they have gone.

*An angel is someone you're always happy to bump into.

*An angel is someone who raises your spirits.

*An angel is someone you feel you've known forever even though you've just met.

*An angel is someone who helps you grow.

*Angels make you feel welcome in this world.

*Angels encourage your best qualities and hidden talents.

*Angels give you those gentle pats on the back you sometimes need to keep going.

*Angels give you direction.

*Angels gently push you out of your little self and into the broad arena of love.

*Angels remind you that you are enough.

*Angels help you see your life in a better light.

*An angel is someone who brings out the best in you.

*Happy is the heart that believes in angels.

*Angels are God's way of taking care of us.

*If you ask, an angel appears.

*Angels carry messages of love.

*Angels - Don't leave home without 'em.

*Like snowflakes, no two angels are alike.

*Angels scatter sunshine.

*Angels say "halo" to everyone.

*Mother is another word for Angel.

*Children are angels whose wings grow shorter

as their legs grow longer!

*Angels stand by you even in the darkest hours of your life.

*Angels light the way.

*Country angels bring country blessings

*Angels are very down to earth.

*Do not fear....the angels are near!

*Listening hearts hear Angels sing.

*Angels carry messages of love.

*God sends his love on the wings on Angels.

*Never drive faster than your Angel can fly.

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Angels Fly Because They Take Themselves Lightly

We Believe In Angels

Angels on Duty

Angels Light the Way

No Matter Where You Go,

Your Angel Always Knows

Angels Carry Messages of Love (Hope, Faith)

We All Need Some Angel Dust

Have No Fear,

Your Angel Is Always Near

Angels guide you Day And Night

Here Is An Angel,

Full Of Love,

Waiting To Guide You Up Above.

Angel Crossing

I Love Angels

When A Child Is Born,

The Angels Sing

Mothers Are Real Angels

An Angel's Heart Is Filled With Love

God Bless Our Little Angel

An Angels Work Is Never Done

I Believe In Angels

Angels Welcome Here

Angels Sent from up above,

Please Protect the Ones We Love.

Here Sits Your Guardian Angel,

A Gentle Reminder To Pray.

Have You Stopped To Give Thanks,

For God's Love Today?

Guardian Angel Hear My Prayer

Keep Me In Your Loving Care

If We Were A Little More Like Angels

Earth Would Be A Little More Like Heaven

Angel Hugs

An Angel Knows Exactly What To Do

Listen when Your Angels Speaks
Angels Have All the Angles
Angel on Duty.

Listening hearts hear Angels sing...

ANGELS - Don't leave home without 'em!

Angels are the keepers of magic and dreams.

Angels are User Friendly.

Angels at Work.

Angels say "halo" to everyone.

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